Fully Online Management Major

The Department of Management offers the major fully online for students who seek a quality education along with convenience and flexibility. This makes our AACSB-accredited program accessible for students balancing school with work, care-taking, and other responsibilities.

You can also choose online courses that are either asynchronous or synchronous:

  • Asynchronous learning includes readings, assignments, videos, projects, and other coursework that you can complete on your own time while meeting the expected deadlines.
  • Synchronous classes meet at specified days and times—the same as in-person classes, but virtually.
    • You will use meeting software such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, for live class meetings.
    • Many students prefer synchronous learning in online education. It helps build a sense of community and can help some students better stay on track with studying and coursework.

Applying to the Online Management Major

If you are applying to MSU Denver, indicate your preference for studying fully online.

If you are already a student, submit your request to the Department of Management, via the College of Business Declaration of Major/Minor Form.

All required Business and Management courses are regularly offered in an online format—along with several management electives. You can also take online versions of all of your general education courses and many electives in the College of Business and across campus. Be sure to discuss your options with an advisor.

A Carefully-Designed Online Learning Experience

As an online management student, you will have opportunities to:

  1. Learn from world-class faculty with highly relevant industry experience.
  2. Collaborate with your professors in a thoughtfully designed online format. Our instructors are eager to answer student questions, provide constructive feedback, and discuss course content. Online classes typically average about 30 students, meaning you can get to know your professors!
  3. Engage with learning materials built into an online course platform. Your professors incorporate readings, videos, activities, and assignments to ensure you learn the material.
  4. Interact with classmates through synchronous sessions, online discussions, group projects, and more. Successful management requires strong communication and teamwork, and you will build these skills throughout your coursework.
  5. Practice highly marketable skills by applying course concepts to real-world business situations.

If getting one step closer to your degree with convenience and flexibility sounds right for you, enroll now. If you have questions, please contact the Chair of Management, Dr. Debbie Gilliard, at [email protected]

AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) Accredited Seal


We’re AACSB-accredited, putting us in the top 5% of business schools around the globe.  This means a panel of outside experts have certified that our students are receiving a high-quality education, and it makes our graduates more competitive in the job market.