Early acceptance to an MSU Denver nursing program is available to  students identified as international students by MSU Denver’s Admissions Office.

MSU Denver’s Department of Nursing offers one early admission spot in each Traditional (TNO) and Accelerated (ANO) cohort specifically for an international student who has been admitted to MSU Denver as a student and meets the minimum qualifications for TNO/ANO nursing program admittance, which is a 3.0 GPA in completed nursing prerequisite courses. A cohort is determined by option (TNO or ANO) and start date.

Please carefully review the Traditional (TNO) and Accelerated (ANO) webpages for more information about these nursing programs and their requirements.


You must meet one of the following eligibility requirements to apply for Early Admissions:

    1.  Completed 3 or more of our nursing prerequisite courses – 3.0 GPA
    2.  Completed any university coursework (15+ credit hours) – 3.0 GPA
    3.  Completed High School – Equivalent 3.0 GPA (U.S.)
      • Non-U.S. GPAs are calculated by International Admissions team 

When to apply

Applications are accepted throughout the year and evaluated on a rolling basis, first come first served, for future program start dates unfilled at the time.

Please meet with pre-nursing advising to determine your best start date and alternate start date. Email [email protected] or call 303-615-1099 and ask to schedule an appointment.

Steps to apply

Each applicant must complete the following steps.

  1. Be Admitted to MSU Denver: 
  2. Transfer Students: Submit all required official university documents.
    • If you have completed university coursework, the Transcript Evaluation team will complete a Transfer Credit Review once they receive your official university documents.
    • Your previous university coursework may help you meet the eligibility requirements. 
    • Please work with the International Admissions team for assistance with this step. We understand that extra time is often needed for international transcript evaluation. 
  3. Contact the Nursing Department: 
    • Email [email protected] indicating that you are an international student and plan to apply for early admission to the nursing program. A nursing advisor will review your eligibility for Early Admissions 
  4. Apply for ANO/TNO Early Admissions: 

After early admission acceptance

Once an applicant is offered early acceptance, the applicant must maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA in all nursing prerequisite coursework to retain their spot. If the applicant falls below this minimum requirement, then the applicant forfeits their spot, and the spot reopens to other international student applicants.

Suppose no international student applies and meets the minimum requirements for a cohort by the time the general application closes for a specified cohort/start. In that case, the applicant’s spot will be filled by a general applicant.

Requirements to enter nursing program

Important: All early admission applicants who are offered early acceptance must complete a general nursing application (this is a free application) during the open application period for the cohort to which they are offered early admissions. The student’s application must include all required documentation and/or assessments to complete the application process for a specified cohort.

The application link is available during the open application period.

  • The TNO open application period is February 1 to April 1 prior to August start, and July 1 to September 1 prior to January start. Applicants can access the TNO application link through the TNO webpage during the open application period.
  • The ANO open application period is July 1 to September 1 prior to January start. Applicants can access the ANO application link through the ANO webpage during the open application period.

Students must complete additional requirements before beginning the nursing program. For more information regarding the general nursing application and nursing program requirements and processes, please visit the ANO or TNO webpage.

Questions? Please email [email protected]

Department of Nursing

Contact Information



West Classroom
Suite 247

Shipping address:
1201 5th Street, WC 247
Denver, CO 80204

Mailing address:
PO BOX 173362
Campus Box 72
Denver, CO 80217-3362